Alex Kopytko is a ”radical centrist” that wants to understand the extremes. He has worked in politics and has studied public policy and political science. Alex argues that centrism is less about being a contrarian, it is about being able to change your mind and embrace an openness to new ideas. He is concerned about where the United States is headed and through conversations with people from all sides of the political spectrum, he wants to know how Americans can limit the tribalism that is flourishing. As someone that dances along the center-right of the political spectrum, Alex thinks the country needs to come together and talk to one another before it could be too late. This podcast covers domestic politics, as well as political philosophy, and international issues.

Thursday May 18, 2023
The Feinstein Cover-Up, DeSanctus is Likely to Declare & The Problem with RFK Jr.
Thursday May 18, 2023
Thursday May 18, 2023
In this episode, Alex focuses the events of the podcast on three politicians. He starts by going over why he thinks RFK Jr. is not a strong candidate and would not be a good president. Alex plays a recent interview where RFK Jr. shows that his views on vaccination could be a problem if a global health crisis occurred. It seems like his distrust in government instititions could backfire. Next, it looks like Ron DeSantis is going to officially announce his presidency next week. Alex still wonders who will vote for DeSantis — he has no appeal, no backbone, and has alienated both Trump supporters and Never-Trumpers. Finally, Alex looks into new revelations around Dianne Feinstein. A new interview is very troubling where she seems unaware that she was not in the senate over the last few months. She also claims she was working and voting the whole time.

Wednesday May 17, 2023
Wednesday May 17, 2023
In this episode, Alex starts with Mike Lindell, the CEO of MyPillow. Lindell is now asking for people to buy MyPillow stock after he spent over $40 million dollars of his own money to challenge the 2020 election. Next, Alex goes into the Durham Report and why it is a fascinating report. Alex thinks it is an underwhelming document that shows procedural issues inside of the FBI; however, many Trump-allies and Republicans seem to think that this is one of the most important documents that exposes government corruption. David Frum says it best in an article in The Atlantic, he says the report provides “an excuse and escape to Republicans and conservatives who want to protect Trump without outright defending him. Durham tells the story of Trump-Russia while deleting both Trump and Russia.” Finally, Alex looks into another situation that has Netflix on the brink in Egypt. A new Netflix docu-series on Cleopatra has sparked outrage in Egypt, Alex wants to know why and digs into the history of cultural appropriation and western control of Egypt’s history. The Egyptian people may be frustrated with this new documentary because once again, it takes agency away from the Egyptian people and allows an American filmmaker to apply their own politics to a sensitive cultural issue.

Tuesday May 16, 2023
Tuesday May 16, 2023
In this episode, Alex talks about a new lawsuit against Rudy Giuliani. In this new controversy, he has been excused of sexual acts towards employees, sexual assault, blackmail, antisemetic language, heavy drinking, viagra-popping acts, and a pardon peddling scheme with Donald Trump. Once again, America’s Mayor is drunken and viagra-riddled shell of himself. Also, Trump could be implicated in this case. Next, Alex discusses how the new Republican led investigation/conspiracy into Joe Biden is coming up short. Now it sounds like the House Oversight Committee has lost the whistleblower that was meant to testify against Biden; some in the Republican media are peddling conspiracies about these whistlblowers getting taken out. Alex notes that this is another disasterous wild goose hunt to frame the Bidens and normalize Trump’s actions. Finally, Alex goes over a leaked memo from an anonymous Google employee that talks about how the barriers of entry into developing LLM A.I. programs has been lowered. This may mean that companies like Google and Microsoft may not be able to hold on a monopoly over the technology. Is a decentralized AI economy good or bad for the world?

Monday May 15, 2023
Monday May 15, 2023
In this episode, Alex starts with some thoughts about Lindsay Graham and how he is a perfect case study into the GOP’s fall towards Trumpism. Then he talks about why diversity of opinion is important for a political party, and why the GOP may be stuck in homogeneity. Next, Alex discusses a recent attack at the office of a Democratic Congressman in Virginia. The perpetrator attacked two staffers with a baseball bat and caused mass damage and chaos. Alex notes that the man who attacked the staffers is crazy, had said delusional things about the CIA, and seemed to despise the government. Finally, it looks like a recent election in Thailand may be good for democracy. Alex mentions that this is the first time a progressive, opposition party, has done well in Thailand since the military coup in 2014. While these results were good in Thailand, the Thai elites and the military may still be able to control the outcome.

Friday May 12, 2023
Friday May 12, 2023
In this episode, Alex discusses the current debt ceiling crisis from multiple different angles. First, he worries that Joe Biden is engaged in a dangerous game of 4D chicken with Kevin McCarthy. It seems like McCarthy is willing to crash the economy because he knows that if he works with Biden, the crazies in his party will use a no-confidence vote to get rid of him. Game theory can be dangerous if one party has nothing to lose. Next, Alex looks at how some Democrats are looking at a clause in the 14th Amendment that could argue that this debt ceiling fight is unconstitutional. Finally, Alex analyzes Donald Trump’s comments about the debt ceiling.

Thursday May 11, 2023
Thursday May 11, 2023
In this episode, Alex starts by breaking down CNN’s Town Hall with Donald Trump which turned out to be a complete disaster. Alex asks his audience — what was the point of this town hall? In the 70 minute event, Trump made jokes about sexual assault victims, said he would pardon J6 members, couldn’t commit to supporting Ukraine, and basically said he would not accept the election results if he lost. Next, Alex looks at how chaos may be looming at the southern border. The COVID-era Title 42 is set to expire at midnight on May 11th and it looks like there may be uncertainity at the border. Finally, Alex worries that Syria’s murderous leader, Bashar al-Assad is being welcomed back into the international community as many countries have recognized that he is going to remain Syria’s president for years to come. Alex discusses how this brings up a moral dilemma — should nation’s continue to sanction and isolate a pariah country, even when it still remains?

Wednesday May 10, 2023
Wednesday May 10, 2023
In this episode, Alex starts by analyzing a new Fox News interview with Tulsi Gabbard who has truly become a right-wing useful idiot. In this case, she attacks the trans community as having delusions and living fantasies. Next, Alex looks into the curious cases of Donald Trump and George Santos. Both are facing legal issues and federal investigations. Also, both have been fraudsters and conmen, involved in endless chicanery and lies. It looks like both would have gotten away with their actions if they didn’t run for office and get caught in the political limelight. Later, Alex worries that the CNN Town Hall with Donald Trump will be a mess and it will be hard to keep up with Trump’s lies. Finally, Alex talks about the upcoming presidential election in Turkey and why it is important for global liberalism, democracy, and NATO.

Tuesday May 09, 2023
Tuesday May 09, 2023
In this episode, Alex talks about Tucker Carlson announcing that he will do a show on Twitter. At the same time, Carlson’s lawyers appear to be going after Fox News and will challenge his no compete contract that keeps him on contract with the network until 2025. It looks like things are going to get ugly between the two parties. Next, Alex goes into some worrying poll numbers from an ABC News/Washington Post poll. The poll shows that Trump may have a six point lead on Biden, it also shows that Biden’s approval numbers have declined, and that a vast amount of Americans question his ability to continue doing the job. Alex rants for a good amount of time about the “X Factors” going into the presidential election. Finally, Alex touches over new reports regarding George Santos. Apparently he is being charged by federal prosecutors.

Monday May 08, 2023
Monday May 08, 2023
In this episode, Alex starts by speculating about whether Tucker Carlson will challenge Fox News. He also discusses how some new leaks actually may help Carlson and could hurt Fox News. Next, Alex looks at the death (or maybe murder) of Jordan Neely on a New York City subway a week ago. Alex argues that this case is not black and white. Later, Alex dives into the previous weekend of mass shootings in the United States that put the country to over 202 mass shootings in 2023. Finally, Alex rants about a new Chinese movie called Born to Fly. Some worry that the movie could normalize a war between the United States and China. The Economist notes that “ ‘Born to Fly’ is ‘Top Gun’ with added nationalist grievance and no sex. If it is a hit in China’s cinemas, it should alarm the world like a beaten drum.”

Friday May 05, 2023
Friday May 05, 2023
In this episode, Alex starts by talking about the Writer’s Guild strike that is impacting Hollywood and has caused numerous shows to go dark. Next, Alex asks the audience — should there be more requirements to be President of the United States? There have been constitutional amendments for term limits, could there be some added requirements if an individual wants to hold the highest elected office in the United States? Alex notes that the election of Trump would have confounded the founding fathers whom believed the system would only allow the most virtuous to hold elected office. Later, Alex talks about a new GOP-led investigation into President Biden. The accusations come from a whistblower that claims Biden was involved in a bribery scheme with a foreign power. Of course, there are no details and even some Republicans admit the details are vague. Finally, Alex reports on two mass shootings that have occurred in Serbia on consecutive days. The government is quickly responding; however, Serbia has a large amount ofmilitary-grade weapons left over from the wars in the 1990s.